Mountain Biking Progress

About 10 years ago I went mountain biking a few times, bought a bike, went a few more times then pretty much stopped. Then this past summer my cousins and I all got back in to mountain biking on these fantastic new trails at Pocahontas State Park.

When we first started this summer I had to stop often. I got off my bike and walked often. My lungs felt like they were on fire. This is my first Strava recorded ride on the Blueberry Trail (in blue). It took me 1 hr and 12 seconds, with a moving time of 41 min 55 sec and a resting time of 18 min 17 sec.

I did a lot of mountain biking throughout the summer and when I could once the school year started. I no longer have to stop because my lungs give out, but because I need to rest my legs a minute. I'm also stopping at less places, for less time. On Monday I went out biking with my cousin and hit a PR on Blueberry. It feels so good to see the improvements I've made on the trails. My overall time was 39 min 34 sec, moving time 32 min, 20 sec and a resting time of 7 min 14 sec.
That's an improvement of:

Overall Time: 20:08
Moving Time: 9:35
Resting Time: 11:03

I can't wait to see what this summer holds!
